2017. július 6., csütörtök

7.3 – sportolás, kedvenc sport, iskolai sport

What sports do you do and which ones do you watch?

- sports that are done in teams or individually
- why people choose either individual or team sports
- popular and succesful sports in Hungary
- sports you do in your school and in your free time

What is your favourite sport?

I think sports are fun to do, so I’ve tried several sports so far, like running, swimming and aerobic. I like almost all sports, but my personal favourite is auto-racing and ice-skating.
I like team sports, because I think it is much more entertaining and exciting.

What sports do you do?

I’m not so fond of doing sports, but I sometimes go skating and skiing in winter, and I go jogging and swimming in summer, if I feel like it.

What kind of sports activities do you do in your school?

In P.E. lessons we usually begin with warm up exercises, then do gymnastic and play handball. Fortunately, there are plenty of possibilities to do sports in my school besides the P.E. lessons. We have several sport teams, and the school organizes a ski camp every year, too.

Have you ever been to a sports event? What was it?

Once my mother persuaded me to go and watch ……………. with her, and the atmosphere was fantastic, I just loved it.

What sports events do you like watching on TV?

I wouldn’t miss the regular transmissions of Formula one car race and the Summer and Winter Olympic games for anything. I usually watch only sports roundup in the evening news, because I can’t siti n the front of the TV for hours watching races or matches.

entertaining – szórakoztató
sports roundup – sportösszefoglaló

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