2017. július 6., csütörtök

5.2 – pályaválasztás, továbbtanulás vagy munkába állás

Where would you like to study after graduating from secondary school?

- qualities and qualifications needed to do jobs
- the working conditions and lifestyle they involve
- popular and less fashionable jobs nowadays
- the job you would like to do in the future

Where would you like to study and why?
-         I have always wanted to be a doctor, genecitist. There are several reasons why I want to become a doctor: because it needs intelligence, a variety of skills, patience and reliability.
I think there is a great demand for doctors on the labour market, so I won’t have to worry about finding a job.
What do you think your daily routine will be like?
-         I will probably have lectures during the day. I guess I won’t have learn on a daily basis and do homework every day, but I will have to study a lot more in the exam period. I will also learn how to organize my life and make ends meet.
Where would you like to live when you’re at university?
-         I have a couple of possibilities to choose from, for example, living in the student’s hostel or sharing a flat with friends. I’m thinking of applíing for a hostel room so that I spend less on accomodation and have more for food or other necessities. I will probably stay at home and commute.
What would you like to do (to work) afterwards?
-         Hopefully, I’ll find a job immediately after university at a  great hospital. I would like to work in a hospital as a doctor. As I speak English and German I think I can live and work abroad.

skill – szakértelem
patience – türelem
reliability – megbízhatóság
commute – ingázás

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