2017. július 6., csütörtök

4.4 – az iskolai élet tanuláson kívüli eseményei, iskolai hagyományok

What else do you do at school besides studying?

- the most common extracurricular activities
- how students can learn rfom them
- reasons for attending such activities
- the events and school celebrations in your school
- the most popular ones and the reasons why students love them
- events student usually dislike and why

What kind of after-school activities are there in your school?
We have training sessions and choir practice. There is a wide variety study circles. You can member of the baskelball, football team, orchestra or choir.
What kind of cultural events are there in your school?
Every year we organize various competitions, language evenings and film clubs. We go to theatre performances, concerts and the opera house. The cultural life of our school is very rich because we regurarly invite guest lecturers to chat with them.
What are the main events during the school year?
Every year we have the annual school days and freshmen’s camp. Traditionally there are class excursions and camps at the beginning of the school year. The annual school days and class performances always attract a lot of students.
Which extracurricular activities do you take part in the afternoon?
I don’t have enough time so I’m not a member of the choir although I would like to be.
What is your favourite event or activity at your school?
I couldn’t imagine our school life without class trips or the annual school days. I can hardly wait for the school-leavers’ ball and school camp. My favourite event is the Sport-week because it’s so funny.

study circles – szakkörök
remedial tutorial – korrepetálás
competition – verseny
freshmen’s camp – gólyatábor
class excursion – osztálykirándulás
school-leavers’ ball – szalagavató
breaking up ceremony – évzáró ünnepély
funny parade – bolond ballagás

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