2017. július 6., csütörtök

4.2 – tantárgyak, órarend, érdeklődési kör, tanulmányi munka

What subject do you have at school?

How many lessons, study circles, training sessions and private lessons do you have a week?
Almost every day Ihave maths, literature, English, German and history lessons, but on Tuesday I have no maths, physics and PE. On Wednesday I have a chemistry lessons in the afternoon, so I have a really long day. My timetable is quite full on most days, I usually have six lessons.
What subjects do you study and what do you learn about during these lessons?
This year I have had my favourite subjects, such as chemistry and biology. My school is well-equipment so we can do a lot of experiments in the chemistry and biology laboratories.
What is it your favourite subject? What are the subjects you don’t like?
My favourite subject is chemistry and biology because I have always been interested in it.
 I have never been fond of PE because I didn’t really like doing exercices.
What else would you like to learn at school?
 I think social studies, cooking, household management or driving would be useful to learn. I’ve heard that students in other countries have technology or social studies lessons, which are very interesting and useful.
How do you prepare for lessons, tests, exams?
 When I have to learn something by heart I usually read it several times and I make small reminders. I learn pretty quickly so when we have a test I never worry and I am always prepared. I usually swot a lot for tests and exams because I hate taking tests and exams unprepared, and I think it is really important to achieve good results.

technology – műszaki tudományok
reminder – emlékeztető
prepare – teljesen megcsinál
swot – magol
achieve – teljesít
result – eredmény

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